About Me
Hello, I am Princess Zindaba Nyirenda, the Founder and President of Utuba Africa

Utuba Africa is a non profit organization I founded-
A remake of the original 'Light On The Hill for Africa' organization, whose mission to foster multicultural awareness and international understanding.
I am a graduate of Roosevelt University with a Masters degree in Training and Development. I obtained my Bachelors degree in Public Policy and Administration from the University of Zambia. I am originally from Zambia, been living in the USA since 1985. I am the 6th generation granddaughter from the Shaka Zulu maternal lineage and the 4th generation paternal grand daughter from the original authentic Chief Mphamba of the Tumbuka speaking people in Lundazi, the Eastern Province of Zambia in Southern Africa.
I live in Illinois and I have 3 grown children and 3 grand children.
Each dollar donation of your
tax-deductible gift will provide food and simple life essentials to the vulnerable and especially the school children.
Skills training in fashion and garment construction aids trainees to be equipped with entrepreneurial skills to becoming viable and self sustaining.